Many of B.C. seniors are active drivers. For those that prefer to take public transportation or have had to give up their driver’s license, there are many options such as buses or HandyDART, often with reduced rates for seniors. Follow the links below to learn more about the different forms of transportation.
Resources for Seniors
View the B.C. Government’s Seniors Transportation website for information on:
- Driving your own vehicle, carpooling and car-sharing
- Public transit, including HandyDART
- Taxis
- Walking and cycling
- Ferries
- Volunteer driver programs
- Medical travel assistance
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What if I can’t afford a bus pass?
A. The BC Bus Pass Program offers a reduced cost, annual bus pass for low-income seniors and individuals receiving disability assistance from the Province of British Columbia. Passes are valid in communities serviced by BC Transit or TransLink. The cost for a one-year pass (valid from January 1 – December 31) is $45.
Q. Does the government pay travel costs for medical appointments?
A. There are two provincial programs that can help with the cost of travelling to medical appointments:
- The Travel Assistance Program (TAP) is a partnership between the Ministry of Health and private transportation companies. Eligible B.C. residents must complete an application form, preferably two weeks before your travel date. Once approved, you can receive discounted travel on air, rail and ferry routes.
- The Health Connections programs are run by the health authorities. These programs offer subsidized transportation for rural residents.
Q. How do I replace a lost CareCard?
A. If you have lost your BC Services Card or Enhanced Drivers License, visit an ICBC Drivers’ Licensing Office with two pieces of required ID to obtain a photo BC Services Card. If you are age 75 or older, you also have the option of contacting Health Insurance BC to request a non-photo BC Services Card.
If your card has been stolen, please report the theft to Health Insurance BC.
Q. There is no public transit in my area. How can I get around?
A. Areas without public transit may have volunteer or for-profit driver programs. Many communities also have programs to access essential services (prescriptions, doctors’ visits, groceries, etc.). To find out what services your community has, you can:
- find your community on the Better at Home map
- contact your local government and ask if they have a seniors’ services directory
If there are taxis in your community, check to see if you are eligible for HandyDART, an accessible, door-to-door transit service for people with permanent or temporary disabilities. Communities with HandyDART service operate a program called Taxi Saver, which allows you to purchase coupons for taxi travel as a discount. We encourage you to contact the HandyDART program in your area to verify service area and coverage.
BC Bus Pass Program
HandyDART Metro Vancouver
To book or cancel a trip: 604-575-6600
HandyDART Greater Victoria
HandyCARD / Taxi Saver Metro Vancouver
HandyPASS / Taxi Saver Greater Victoria
Click here to find information about your local transit system
604-661-2800 (Lower Mainland)