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Public Input Form

The Office of the Seniors Advocate will monitor and advise on seniors services related to health care, personal care, housing, transportation and income support. As a first step, the advocate will be able to direct people to resources to help resolve their issues. The advocate will monitor comments to see where there are general concerns.

In addition to referring people to resources and help, the advocate would like input from seniors and their families and those who work with seniors, to hear about things that affect seniors in general. This will lead to recommendations to improve services.

This online public input form will help the advocate learn about the issues and concerns around seniors services in British Columbia. Please take a few moments to send in your ideas.

Personal information is collected for the purpose of soliciting feedback from members of the public to the Office of the Seniors Advocate under s. 26 (c) & (e) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Please be aware that any personal information in connection with your response to this form is stored in British Columbia at the Ministry of Health. For questions regarding the collection of personal information, please contact the Office of the Seniors Advocate at 1-877-952-3181 or info@seniorsadvocatebc.ca.

Items marked with a red asterisk are required.

1) What issues that affect a large number of seniors should be brought to the attention of the Office of the Seniors Advocate?*
2) Do you have any ideas, solutions or comments related to these issues?*

3) Please tell us which role describes you in this issue.*

4) To help us understand where this issue is of concern, please provide your geographic location (city and/or postal code).*

5) Please describe the type of area you (or the senior) live in.*


6) Please describe your (or the senior’s) housing situation.*

Optional Information

7) Name

8) Email address
9) Phone number

If you require specific assistance with your issue, please contact the Office of the Seniors Advocate toll-free at 1-877-952-3181.

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