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Seniors Advocate Isobel Mackenzie today released Seniors Transportation: Affordable, Appropriate and Available. The report, which reflects over a year of consultation and research, concludes that changes are required to address some of the existing transportation systems and a new program will be required to fill some of the gaps.

The report highlights that getting a person from point A to B does not totally capture the transportation needs of frail and vulnerable seniors. Many seniors may have the physical ability to take a bus or use HandyDART, but they have cognitive challenges that require someone to accompany them or, their physical frailty requires someone to assist them throughout their trip. None of the current programs provide for these needs and even with recommended improvements, the report notes they will continue to fall short.

To fill the gap, Mackenzie has recommended a new program called “Community Drives” that would be administered under the existing home support program.
A full list of recommendations can be found in the report.

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