Fall 2024 OSA Council of Advisors Meeting

The office’s 20-member Council of Advisors met in Victoria on September 9 and 10. The event was an opportunity for new members to be oriented to the office, meet the advocate, hear from Dr. Bonnie Henry and discuss ageism and how it manifests in their lives.
We would like to extend a warm welcome to new council members Dominic Fung, Patricia Warshawski, Thomas (Myint) Tun, Tom Durrie, Sharon Mackenzie, Sandi McCreight, Vi Sorenson, Stella Hamilton, Louise Holland, and Kamal Parmar. And a special thank you to our legacy COA members serving as transition advisors to the new members, Geri Hinton, Dawn Hemingway, Sandy Zeznik, Barb Mikulec, and Jerry Gosling.