COVID-19 Update: September 2021
B.C.’s Restart Plan
On May 25, the province launched a four-step plan to carefully bring people back together. On July 1, we moved to Step 3 with many restrictions now reduced or eliminated. The fourth wave of COVID-19 pandemic began in August 2021. The first week saw the seven-day rolling average for new cases nearly tripling compared to the prior week and case counts steadily increased. On August 23, the provincial government announced it is unlikely that we will move to Step 4 in the near future as case counts continued to rise.
June 29 News release
June 28 Modelling presentation
Four-step restart plan
Provincial Health Officer Orders
While provincial restrictions have eased substantially in Step 3 of the Restart Plan, masks are mandatory in all indoor spaces and businesses will continue to keep safety plans in place. Provincial restrictions are made by the Provincial Health Officer under the Public Health Act and others are made under the Emergency Program Act (EPA). The state of emergency under the EPA was lifted at midnight on June 30 but the B.C. public health emergency will remain in effect through Step 3 to support amended public health orders.
Additionally, proof of vaccination will be required to access some events, services, and business in British Columbia. Starting September 13, individuals must have at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. By October 24, British Columbians must be fully vaccinated to access certain venues. This requirement applies to all people born in 2009 or earlier (12+) and covers; indoor ticketed concerts, theatre, dance, symphony, and sporting events; indoor and outdoor dining; casinos; movie theatres; gyms, pools, and recreation facilities; indoor high intensity group exercise; indoor organized gatherings like weddings, conferences, meetings, and workshops; and indoor organized group recreational classes and activities.
Provincial Health Officer’s Orders
Guidance on Restrictions
Travel Restrictions
COVID-19 in Long-Term Care
The number of newly diagnosed cases of COVID-19 decreased from 245 cases on January 1 to 61 cases in the week ending September 1. There were 197 new cases in the four weeks between August 5 and September 1 compared to 15 in the previous four week period.

Every Thursday, the B.C. Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) publishes updates on COVID-19 outbreaks in long-term care, assisted living and independent living.
Weekly COVID-19 Outbreak Report – Sep 1, 2021
Weekly COVID-19 Outbreak Report – Aug 25, 2021
Weekly COVID-19 Outbreak Report – Aug 18, 2021
Weekly COVID-19 Outbreak Report – Aug 11, 2021
Weekly COVID-19 Outbreak Report – Aug 4, 2021
Weekly COVID-19 Outbreak Report – Jul 28, 2021
Weekly COVID-19 Outbreak Report – Jul 21, 2021
Weekly COVID-19 Outbreak Report – Jul 14, 2021
Weekly COVID-19 Outbreak Report – Jul 7, 2021
COVID-19 Statistics
The BCCDC provides the latest data on COVID-19 in British Columbia, including a dashboard that summarizes COVID-19 information by health region and the entire province. Information includes cases, hospitalizations, critical care admissions, recoveries, testing, deaths and vaccination administration.
BC COVID-19 Data
BC COVID-19 Dashboard
The Government of Canada provides summary information of COVID-19 cases across Canada and over time. The data provides an overview of hospitalizations and deaths, testing, variants of concern and exposures.
COVID-19 Daily Epidemiology Update