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VICTORIA – “Today, we recognize the countless ways seniors provide invaluable contributions to communities as volunteers, elected officials, workers, mentors, friends, parents and grandparents on the International Day of Older Persons and National Seniors Day in Canada.

“People aged 65+ are the fastest-growing demographic group in B.C. By 2036, one in four British Columbians will be a senior. It is essential for everyone in B.C. to ensure the programs, supports and services required for healthy ageing are available when and where they are needed. B.C. seniors deserve to age in a manner of their choosing, in the communities they call home.

“As we celebrate older people, we must also remember too many seniors in our province are struggling to make ends meet on fixed incomes; dealing with insufficient rental support for low income people; at risk of homelessness due to the increasing cost of housing; unable to access affordable, publicly-funded home support; and facing long waitlists for assisted living and long-term care in their communities.

“I encourage British Columbians of all ages to learn more about the work being done to develop a UN Convention of the Rights of Older Persons how they can ensure the rights of seniors are protected. I also challenge British Columbians to recognize and identify ageism, and take stock of our own views and attitudes that may perpetuate a bias against older people. We must ensure we acknowledge the abilities of older people, and not judge them by their age in years.

“We all have a part to play in making our communities and neighbourhoods welcoming places to grow older, and ensure seniors today and in the years to come can age on their own terms.”

Dan Levitt BC Seniors Advocate