Community Supports
There are a variety of personal support services available to seniors to help them maintain healthy, independent and dignified lives designed to complement government operated programs. There are also programs available that provide information and support to seniors living with chronic and degenerative conditions. Learn more about community services available to you using the links below.
Resources for Seniors
Visit the government Home & Community Care website to learn more about personal support programs that can help seniors live as independently as possible.
Visit the Better at Home website to learn more about the services that might be offered in your community, including housekeeping, home maintenance and repairs, and friendly visiting.
Visit the Family Caregivers of British Columbia website for information, education and support for family caregivers.
Visit the BC211 website or dial 2-1-1 to find community, social or government services in your area.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. The Better at Home program doesn’t have the services I need in my community. Where else can I go to find someone to help?
A. There are a number of places that may be able to connect you with the supports and services you need. You can try contacting the following places, if your community has them:
- a senior’s centre
- your municipal government
- your local library
Q. Does the B.C. government cover the costs of mobility aids?
A. Yes, the B.C. government does cover costs in some cases. See the Medical Equipment & Devices Policy to see if you are eligible. Also, the Red Cross of BC loans a range of mobility aids. To find out how to get a mobility aid through this program, see the Health Equipment Loan Program.
Q. I am hard of hearing, and I have questions about services available to me in BC. Where should I go?
A. The Wavefront Centre for Communication Accessibility offers a range of services from hearing clinics to answering questions about hearing aids. For services on Vancouver island, visit the Island Deaf and Hard of Hearing Centre.
If your card has been stolen, please report the theft to Health Insurance BC.
Better at Home
Home and Community Care
Fraser: 1-855-412-2121
Interior Click link or contact us for local numbers
Northern Click link or contact us for local numbers
Vancouver Coastal:
North Shore: 604-986-7111
Richmond: 604-278-3361
Vancouver: 604-263-7377
Vancouver Island:
South Island:1-888-533-2273
Central Island: 1-877-734-4101
North Island: 1-866-928-4988B.C. Ombudsperson